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Neun Tage nach der Steirischen Landtagswahl start at Flughafen Graz the Koalitionsverhandlungen swiss FPÖ and ÖVP. A cash desk service is scheduled for a service.
The service starts with the execution of the dishes with Mario Kunasek (FPÖ) and ÖVP chef Christopher Drexler processing his English dishes. Erster programs are a kassturz, which can use a medium explanation for the “first inhalation run”. If you want to build a new country, the direction is stehen, the treatises are “experiences”.
Let Kunasek start using the ÖVP “viele inhaltliche Schnittmengen”. It is possible that the device will have a “slow, stable control”. The FPÖ chief believes that the cabinet has won one of the budgets, but the Rahmenbedingungen for the other issues have become clear. Kunasek thanked him for the fact that the ÖVP “so fast the Verhandlungen” could have been written. Both parties are impressed, the major restructuring orders are being preserved and these are now shared as separate events.
“Little Garantie” for the Ergebnisse
Drexler meinte, that is a “very constructive basis” with the FPÖ warnings. If the cabinet for business and the Wirtschaft am Plan is chosen, it is “keine Zeit zu verlieren, denn der Wirtschaftsstandort Steiermark ist am Prüfstand”, so the ÖVP-Chef. The country is a “handling-fähige and stable as a whole” Landesregierung: “I am happy, because of these conversations so well and with a good history, who will have our future plans.” There is a “good deal, it’s a matter of no guarantees at all, but you can start as soon as possible”.
If the journalists know that it is a message that appeared in the Rede War, it is no longer possible to talk to Drexler with the ÖVP, a “Fake News” acts more. The conversations with the SP have only happened a few times, but most of the schnitt mixing has now started with the popular parties. “Anton Long is a fairer conversation partner”, so Kunasek.
Processing teams will consist of three to four people
The trade teams of both share the best jewels from the three people: in the FPÖ you cannot be part of the national party Stefan Hermann as handyman Michael Klug. At the ÖVP it is not Drexler, nor the two bisherigen Landesräte Werner Amon and Barbara Eibinger-Miedl. If the themes of the Dreier Teams are no longer determined by four people, Drexler will be out. It became the ÖVP-beispielsweise that both other Landesräte Karlheinz Kornhäusl and Simone Schmiedtbauer signaled.
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